Wild Herbs have been a major part of Nordic beverages, rosehip seeds, dandelion, blackberry seeds, berry plant leaves are not new to Nordic culture. Wild Nordic herbs can be enjoyed in many forms and ways, one easy way to get into wild herbs is learning how to use them for making delicious and healthy herbal tea mixes. Wild herbs have different strengths and uses and can be mixed in ways that serve your need.

Herbal teas can be mixed to suit many taste buds; from a soft gentle flowery flavor to an invigorating and powerful cleansing mix with a side note of green and clean flavor.
Nordic herbal teas have a beautiful flavor and they also serve a particular purpose, to help wake you up or to help calm your mind and body for a restful night. In Finnish folklore, many illnesses and symptoms have been treated with the use of our native herbs, in particular different kinds of herbal infusions. Herbal tea mixes are generally used to detoxify and cleanse the body, blood and internal organs, to help in digestion and to calm the body and soul.

Well, Trankebar Tea brings all these Nordic herbs in their Tea Bags to you!
Trankebar Tea Bags pack a punch of flavors that gives you all the goodness of Nordic Herbs and Black Tea, that gives the kick start to your day or helps you stay active during the day.
So go get you dose your Nordic Herbs today!